First post…

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First post…

It feels weird to write a blog post in October 2023. I think there’s no need for explanations, we’re waist deep in the social media era (although things can change quickly, as the story of the social medium formerly known as Twitter shows very well), and especially in the academia we have very limited time for anything beyond meaningless but inevitable bureaucratic duties (and in the outside world, at least in Italy, it can be much worse)… so I shouldn’t have done this post and the container it is in.

To kick off a personal web page on Github, although there’s of course nothing noticeable in this, feels like an accomplishment for me, especially given considerations like the one above. It is like not just admitting my age, my condition, but in a sense embracing it. Getting back to code editing (even though it’s some markdown and HTML, and I’m basically using something done by someone else), for something that’s not related to teaching, feels like liberating. I’ve been a coordinator of a master’s degree for a little over 5 years, and luckily my second term on this role is going to end in less than a year. I’ve written tons of documents whose sole purpose was to be written, to be there, just in case, because it has to be done according to directives of an agency whose role seems to find new ways of making people in the Italian academia more miserable. I’ve had to listen to colleagues (professors, researchers, administrative and secretariat staff), students, for any kind of problem, from the smallest to the most serious ones. I hope I didn’t do much damage… but it’s been tiring.

This really feels liberating, irrespectively of the fact that nobody might read this post.

And, of course, this is a work in progress, it ain’t much but it’s honest work, like the man in the meme says.

Oh, by the way, it’s a good place to remind that views, information, or opinions expressed here are my own, and they do not necessarily represent those of my current employer (University of Milano-Bicocca) and its employees.